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Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine - English Version -

join the etheric field, Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine

Giada, activator of Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine, with her beneficial resonance will help participants to tune into their own energy, a process to enable them to switch off their mental chatter and immerse themselves in their body and energy.

During the immersion, participants will remain aware and relaxed.

The session will be done ‘online’, participants will be connected with their own devices with the ultimate goal of being seen by Giada during the experience, however, the in-presence experience will involve other modalities.

Kundalini Activation il 13 agosto


We are energy immersed in an energy field that knows no distance.

Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine works in the etheric field and that is why it is possible to activate the process even from a distance.

The energy works through information and it is enough for the activator to know that he has to energetically involve the participants even though we cannot see or touch this energy, yet it flows in our bodies and in all matter.


People who feel called into this process do so in order to feel better, when better means greater awareness, greater connection with oneself and others. Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine activates, or reactivates, one's life energy by releasing the dormant energy potential within blocks, traumas and emotions.

The effects of this activation can be observed in the body, in the mind and even deeper:

through this work, which is a wonderful way to become aware of the changes we need for our personal expansion.

If you do not feel ready to put change into action, this inner work can destabilise you, which is why it should be undertaken with extreme care and self-love.




Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine needs your predisposition to change, towards your own expansion, every little evolution that is activated, does so at various levels, according to your awareness you will perceive them more or less deeply following the flow of Energy, which stabilises and directs itself where it is needed and expands according to your level of awareness.

It is therefore important to learn to feel yourself gradually as the change itself will trigger this awareness.

The most important thing to keep in mind when starting out is that energy changes need space and action to assimilate, which is why after the session, the integration process begins and depends solely on your desire to change your life. -Integration:

Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine is an energetic process to align body mind and spirit and that is why before, during and after the practice, you will receive instructions on how best to proceed with the awakening of your energy.

  • Following these instructions will put you in the best possible condition:

  • Eat healthy, clean and possibly unprocessed food in line with your digestive processes

  • Pay attention to your mental health, the people you surround yourself with and remember to love and respect yourself.

  • Learn to set boundaries and limits that are congenial to your well-being

  • Try to limit excessive use of alcohol, smoking and technology.

-Pay attention to your emotions and respect your reactions during the session:

Experiences can vary greatly from person to person and possibly from session to session.

There are no right or wrong experiences, the energy knows where to direct your attention, and every healing knows the right way to express itself.

Kundalini Activation & Dream Medicine works on the etheric body and the emotional body so it is possible that during the session there may be fits of crying or laughter, even very intense liberating movements, feelings of anxiety or fear, even sensations of heat or cold or extreme well-being and complete relaxation.

-Our emotions are the psycho-energetic response to the internal or external events we experience:

There are no only negative or only positive emotions, some examples:

  • Anger

  • Abandonment

  • Fear

  • Joy

  • Disgust

  • Happiness

  • Confusion

are the means for self-expression.

Allowing space for our emotional wholeness means believing in the truth of our existence, hence, in believing in ourselves.

Accepting to give space to repressed or suppressed emotions and feelings offers us the possibility to heal the traumas associated with them, to integrate the experiences of our lives without being wounded in the body.

Feeling is not just an emotional experience but speaks the language of sensations (body), beliefs (mind) and finally emotions (spirit).

Surrendering means accepting to feel the following feelings (or others):

  • Crying

  • Singing

  • Screaming

  • Laughter

  • Murmuring

  • Yawn

  • Cough

  • Erything

  • Tremor

  • Calm

  • Intense movements

  • Muscle contractions

  • Floating sensation

  • Orgasm

  • Flowing sensation

  • Hot-cold sensation

  • Electrical impulses

  • Pressure

  • Peace

it is also possible to have visual perceptions, buried memories, seeing brighter colours, connection with oneself, dimensional travel and inspiration.

Be reassured that throughout the session you are always alert.

If the intensity of the emotions and feelings you experience is too strong and you feel you have to stop,

accept it and take care of yourself.


It's OK, in this process we don't know exactly where the energy is working, each journey is different and often long-buried emotions and sensations can have different times to manifest, which is why I encourage you to pay attention to dreams, intuitions, memories and feelings that come up in the days following the session.

Your experience and questions after the session can always be welcomed and you will always receive feedback


The online session starts 2 minutes before time to allow everyone to connect and to allow me to welcome you, if you have any questions before the session please email me.

The session lasts 60 minutes at the end of which I will leave you 10 minutes for rest and absorption, there are no sharing circles at the end and any questions, or if you would like to share our experience with me, I will be happy to email you back:

feel free to do so, you are always welcome.

This particular session cannot be done during pregnancy, minors, patients on psychotropic drugs and/or beta-blockers.

I look forward to meeting you,


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